Run: Easy Previous Next


2:30 PM

1 mi


9:00 mi


125 lb


72 F


Hmmm. Was sort of disappointed with my mile today; I ran a warmup with everyone else, and ran 9:00 for two stadiums. I wanted to run it around 8, as I figured at least the guys would for their warmup, but everyone seemed to just hang back. Like, if you can hold 6:30s for a race pace, you should so definitely be able to run 8:00 for a warmup. I mean, I could run an 8:00 warmup when I used to be fast, but that was so long ago, guess things have changed. But anyway. So I ran 9:00, then I went and stretched with everyone else, but that didn't do me much good, because I was still pretty sore afterwards. So the I stood around and watched, and became increasingly more tight, and it just got to the point where it pretty much hurt to walk, so yeah.

So now I'm like, do I take another two weeks off, or do I continue to run my one mile a day and hope things get better? I told Slichter this and he was like "No pain," and I didn't really know what he meant by that, but like, I just said "Well, that's sort of out of my control, not much I can do about it anymore," and I kind of got mad, because I'm like, is he going to put me in the same position that he put me in last year, of my performance being dependent on painkillers, only with me not being of any use to the team? I mean yeah, I'm sure if I just loaded up on Ibuprofen and bit the bullet and trained my ass off, I could get somewhere. Well, that's how it used to be. But what is the point in me trying to push it for no good reason? Maybe he thinks that somehow I'm going to pull off another sophomore year and just MAGICALLY be good by regionals. But later on, he tells me I just need to be patient and do what I need to do, and that the pain right now might be as a result of me not doing squat for two weeks and then suddenly running, and I just need to take some more time with the running and see if it goes away. So I'm kind of torn right now. Do I keep running in hopes that it'll go away, or do I do EXACTLY what the doctor says and stop right now? Because if I have any hopes of coming back for the end of the season, they are fading fast, as my conditioning base (or what there was of it to begin with) is going down the toilet very quickly.

BUT OMG I WANT TO RUN ON FRIDAY SOOOOOO BAD!!!! Maybe it will wake up something deep inside of me, and things will get better.

Psh. Optimism. Hah.
