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10.7 mi


8:02 mi


Today was so much better than yesterday, the difference was nearly insane. My running is absolutely crazy sometimes.

But I felt really good today; I think I had too much food in my stomach from eating a gigantic lunch yesterday, and so I got essentially sea-sick. And yes, while I probably didn't eat what most people would consider "enough" today, I felt thousands of times better than yesterday. And I think I ran really well, considering everything. I ran the first two in under 14:48, I ran my first five in 39:21, and then stopped at Coach Slichter's house for a quick chat, then ran home. Unfortunately, the wind was in my face pretty much the whole way home, and I never really realized it before, but it's pretty much completely uphill from his house to my house, so that kind of sucked, but oh well. I still think I ran really well.

I swear, this whole running thing is a complete roller coaster.
