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8:00 AM

3 mi


12:40 mi




75 F
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I really think I tore or pulled something in my hip. It hurts sooooooo bad. I was really stiff this morning on the way out, and by Jumpers Hole, I just couldn't take it anymore. It felt like someone was stabbing me with every step. I just walked on the way back, mostly. Which didn't really help, because walking hurt almost as bad as running did. Would have been heart-wrenching, but I've already cried my tears. I knew it was coming anyway. Suppose I asked for it.

My mom made a doctor's appointment for 2:45 tomorrow. She said she thinks I have a deteriorating hip like the cyclist guy who just won the Tour. Yeah I didn't ask for that. She's so dumb. I hate doctors. I really do. The entire first six months of this year were spent in physical therapy, and what did it do for me? If it had worked, I wouldn't be in this situation. So here I get to go to another doctor, only for them to say "Don't run, go waste your money here" and I'm really not looking forward to being irradiated anymore. Wait, I'm already going to have kids with three eyes, let's make it four. I'm sick of this crap.

Guess I'll go ice my hip and see if I can walk without limping later on. This blows.
