Bike: Long Previous Next


4:00 PM

20 mi


11.43 mi / hr


86 F
  • Map


Ummmm....and that was supposed to do what?

Something's wrong with a sport when you can do twenty miles of it and not be tired. And it's not like I had my bike in the easiest gear either. I kept it in 2-7 on the way out and 3-2 on the way back, mostly. The hardest part of the entire twenty miles was crossing Ritchie Highway...twice.

I certainly don't feel like I ran 10.5 miles. Except that my hips still hurts and now my knees do too. How convenient. And my bike needs a new seat. My tailbone hurts.

Guess I'll have to hit the pool or find some hills. At least you can listen to music on a bike.
