Run: Easy Previous Next


2:30 AM

2 mi


10:00 mi


130 lb
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Have no idea. It was the first day of track, so I ran random stuff when I felt like it to help other people along. I really like running with newbies. It's so fun to hear them be like "So yeah, I've never run more than a mile before, and I think I'm going to die right now" and then to tell them "I promise you are not going to die, all you have to do is just keep running, no matter what, just keep your feet moving." I kind of reinspires my own confidence in the sport; sometimes you forget what running really is by getting caught up in trying to break a record or PR or win a race or get to states, but all running really is is about pushing yourself farther than you thought you could go, about extending your limits, about losing weight, about destressing, about going completely insane. That's all it is. It's about making yourself a better person and pursuing something that makes you happy with your life and able to come to terms with the rest of the world. Sometimes records come in the process, but all it's really about is being happy. You gotta love it.

And if you don't love it, all you really are is a sprinter. Haha. Burn. I'm so prejudiced.
