Run: Long Previous Next


10:15 AM

10 mi


8:06 mi


130 lb


50 F
  • Map



Whew. What a run. Meant to go out for 13, but decided at about mile 5 when my pace was in the 8:30s that if I could run fast enough to have my average pace around 8s I'd let myself off with 10. Because my blisters were killing me, and I figured 10 fast miles would be less agonizing than 13 slow ones. But 8s for 10 miles, I'm pretty proud of that. And besides, it was a beautiful day out today. Perfect for distance running. Except for the headwind. Bleh.

So yeah. The blister on my left foot is definitely infected. And it hurts like a bizotch. My mom said if it doesn't get better or gets worse in like the next three days, she's going to take me to the doctor and get me on antibiotics. But the right one is healing nicely, so at least I did something right.

Alright, party time at Down's Park. I'm sad, because I won't be able to eat anything for like at least 3 hours, and the ice cream cake will be melted by then. :( Oh well.
