Run: Easy Previous Next


2:30 PM

4.6 mi


8:32 mi


130 lb


45 F


Ran with Liz, Josie, and Laura. It was supposed to be a rabbit run, but it ended up being an easy run with sprints every 2 minutes. And by easy, I meant EASY. I felt like I was running with a parachute on, it was crazy. But whatever. I guess I just forgot how to not run my hardest every single second and how to run with other people. I mean, when I think about it, I don't really remember the last time I went for an EASY run without looking at my watch. But whatever. I have a lot of ground to make up. And I'm used to pushing myself now that I might be able to make something out of whatever potential I might have, so yeah.

So counties on Tuesday. I'm really scared. And angry that I have to wear those dumb shorts now. Grrrr.
