Run: Hill Previous Next


9:00 AM

6 mi


8:50 mi




76 F


9 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map



Ran the powerlines at Arundel High School (behind the XC course) with Coach and Gelety. GOOD LORD THOSE HILLS ARE FREAKING ATROCIOUS!!! Who does a hill workout the morning after a race??!!! My legs felt like blocks of lead from yesterday evening, and I felt like I was going sooooooo slow, and I knew I was killing the pace. I felt really bad. I even had to walk up some of those hills. That upsets me right there. Rule #1 of XC is you never EVER walk. And I broke it. I really wanted to cry. But my hip just hurt so bad. And then I'd be stupid and like try to sprint right after I got done walking to make up for it, but it would make my hip hurt even worse and I just realized it wasn't worth it, especially with all those softball sized rocks... you could turn an ankle on one of those suckers. And then on the way back we were going really slow and I knew it was my fault. I'm tired of being a pace-killer.
