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10:00 AM

23.7 mi


6:19 mi


60 F
  • Map

See notes


Centennial Lane/Fredrick Road/Font Hill onto Metric Marathon course/Red Branch loop/long way + full loop around Lake

*beautiful day for a run

*slept in, got up and had breakfast and coffee, then relaxed a bit before heading out

*started off feeling sluggish for the first 1/3 of the run so I took it easier

*got into a nice groove though

*once I got to Old Columbia Pike I ran down to Brittany Lane then hopped back on the Metric course

*ran a full lap around the lake after doing the 3/4 lap from the east side

*ran most of the second half of the run at 6:00-6:15 pace

Legs feel fantastic!!! Time to ease into the taper I guess...
