Run: Easy Previous Next


6.3 mi


7:10 mi

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Dec took the car this morning to the trails so I ran from home alone. Ran up to Horner Park and on the way saw a cowering pitty on the sidewalk, so I stopped to see if it was okay. Then, I saw a man yelling so loud at her/him. He saw me and yelled at me to keep running. I was so mad and wanted to save his two pittys so bad bc clearly he was a terrible person. I almost yelled at him but he looked v scary and didn't want to put myself in danger. Thought about pups and how much I love them & how much I hate people who are mean to dogs/shouldn't be dog owners for the whole park loop. But, then decided to drop it because I've been working on my "dropping it" skills (lol). Beautiful morning for a run.



omg poor bbs :'(

"drop it" is a good trick to teach a dog.