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8:22 AM

3.3 mi


9:11 mi


173 bpm
218 bpm


51 F
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A little speedwork today since I haven't done much lately. Ran an easy first mile in the crisp, cool morning air. After an easy first mile, I dialed up the speed for mile number 2. I ended with an 8:38 mile - pretty good considering 1) I haven't run fast in quite a while and 2) that mile was predominantly uphill. Mile 3 was 9:08 - although I was trying to slow myself down, I was used to the speed! I think I may need to use gel on my HRM as just wetting it did not work this morning...I was getting lots of false readings during the first mile and a half (before I started to really sweat) - there's no way my "easy" first mile had a max HR of 218 and an average HR of 182!
