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7:00 AM

26.2 mi


7:59 mi


163 bpm
183 bpm


66 F


10 / 10

Race Result

4 / 140 (2.9%)
3 / 18 (16.7%)


64-75F, 100-78% humidity. Hot and humid!

GPS: 3:28:56.40

Official: 3:28:58.55

30 mins PR (last race I ran was 2 years ago, same race)

Although I did not do very well time-wise, I'm quite happy with the result, as I knew I had certainly put in 100% effort and had nothing left at the end. I was stupid and over-ambitious in the beginning, but I don't think I couldn't done much better given today's condition.

4th OA and got award for 2nd AG (actually 3rd but 1st got the master OA and I got bumped up by 1 spot)

The aftermath: Several blisters (I haven't really gotten any in a long time) including a very bloody one covering the pinkie like a space helmet. Right calf and toes toke turns cramping several times while I was on the massage table. Tried to do some stretches an hour after the race, and my left ITB (? near the hip) cramped everytime I tried to hold my left leg toward the right. Got home and my right side (near the kidney) cramped up whenever I tried to bend down (removing socks and stuff)
