Run: Easy Previous Next


9:20 AM

5 km


9:54 mi


145 lb
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<No name>


Okay, the goal is to run a 5K (on the treadmill) in 29:59, which is a 9:39 pace. If I can run at 6.5 - 6.6 for 30 minutes, then I'll be set. I think the idea is to built up to that by running two miles every Wednesday, and work up to the amount of time I'm running at 6.5. Today, I also went out too fast, and therefore ending up walking a lot more than I wanted to. I think this goal is totally achievable, by August.

So, I'm going to work practice 5K's into my schedule every fourth week (week without the long run), and by August, I'll cut that time down. I really need to drastically reduce my pace. Or at least, get to a point where running at 6.2 is easy run for me. So, summer is time to really focus on reducing minute per mile time over all distances. From now on, anything under 4.5 miles will not be run at anything over 11:30. For five miles and over (long runs), I can still run between 11:30-12:30, and this pace will be acceptable.
