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2:00 PM

18 mi


9:22 mi

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Good warm up. Started at 9:37 but felt like it was too slow, so after 1 mi. notched it to 9:23 for next 4 mi. Ran next 5 9:09, next 5 mi. at 8:57, then 1 mi. at 8:69, 1 mi. at 8:45, 800 at 8:21 and 800 at 8:00. Drank 3 bottles water. Took 1/2 a waffle at 3, 6, 9, and 12. It was a great run. Felt strong all the way through, normal breathing throughout and found it very releasing to really kick out with long relaxed strides the last 3 mi. Didn't feel like I needed to quit or even want to. I probably could have run this at a faster pace but I'm not sorry I ran it conservatively for my first 18 this year. Thanks for your help Jenn. I'll probably run 5 mi. progression tomorrow starting at 9:09 pace and incline 1,2,3,2,1 and pick up the pace each mi. to end at 8:57 pace. Unless you think differently.



Super job. Congrats on 18 under your belt!!! Long way on a treadmill!!! As far as today, if this 5 miles feels completely comfortable that would be fine, otherwise run it as complete slow recovery. I will send you off a new week today if you want to follow it!! Great job!!!!