Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 PM

7 mi


10:22 mi


79 F
  • Map


Estimated pace and distance. My Garmin totally corrupted this run entry. Not sure what happened. It showed a 7 mile run at 7 something pace. I know that wasn't correct.

This was a planned 17 miler but my legs were just thrashed from the hill work this week and I attempted this on the hill loop. I should have probably run it on the W&OD. By the time I got to mile 7 I felt trashed. I was down to walking up the steep part of the hill. I'm logging this a couple days later and I still have a mile cramp in my right calf muscle just below the knee. Cassie rubbed it down with icy hot last night. It's feeling better. I think all this will make me better prepared for MMTR.
