Run: Race Previous Next


7:07 AM

50 km


13:22 mi


60 F


The race went really well. I setup a timer to go off every 30 minutes to remind me to eat. Worked great. I ran out of shot blocks and switched to the Chocolate Gu they had at the aid stations around mile 25. That didn’t sit too well. It might have been the heat too. I was dealing with nausea from about mile 21 through the rest of the race. I tried to convince myself the I should just run and not walk because I was going to feel sick regardless. For the last 5 or 6 miles I stopped taking in calories but I kept drinking. My legs felt strong. When I willed myself to go they were under me. I felt a unstable on technical terrain on tired legs but I could run on even terrain no problem. My feet took a pounding too. The rock field really hurt them. I think Holiday Lake with it's 8 hours of trudging through snow a month ago took its toll. I have what feel like lots of dead skin on the balls and big toe of my feet. I need to smooth that down. That's where it hurt yesterday.

It was a whooping 68 degrees outside. After this winter it felt a lot warmer than that. Although I had a few rough patches this was my best race to date. I learned a lot. I’m good at climbing the hills, but my downhill needs work. Also running across rock fields is a big weakness for me. I am not good on rocks. Fine on regular trails but rocks give me fits. Need to practice that.

Day after: legs feel great. Not sore at all. I can tell I ran a long way but they feel good. Feet are ok.
