Run: Easy Previous Next


9:34 PM

5 mi


10:03 mi


I had a thought during this run, what if the brain gets better at tricking either the body or the will the longer we train? Most runs I have a voice in my head trying to rationalize settling for the minimum acceptable effort. So far in ultras I have always succumbed to this voice to at least some extent. I have yet to have an ultra distance race that has been close to my physical potential. Even in my marathon PR I lost a minute or two around mile 23 before snapping out of it and finishing strong. This is where I want to get better. In training runs I typically fight and win against the rationalizations. I want to build this mental muscle so I can do it in longer efforts. So I guess if the brain gets better at rationalizing, the will needs to get better at seeing through these and persevering.

Run was good. Backed off the effort to make sure these were easy miles.
