Event: Journal Note Previous Next


11:00 AM

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I'm going to start putting, for lack of a better term, open journal entries on my running log. If for nothing else but to capture the mental aspects of my life since much of it pertains to or effects my running.

Entry #1:

I was looking through David Horton's book list on his website and noticed the first entry, Pace Yourself: 366 Devotions From the Daily Grind. I clicked the link and was taken to a wonderful MMTR race report by Rebekah Trittipoe. I couldn't help but to think back to my own experience during this race. I've been changed ever since running it. Something about the whole experience. The frustration during my last few miles when I knew I wouldn't make the cutoff turned to inspiration after I spent some time with Larry, Ryan Nebs and a few others at the finish. There is a saying that no satisfaction comes without some struggle first. This was more like a hunger. I never got the satisfaction of finishing the race. Sure I was happy with my long run through the mountains but I wanted more. I want more. I am so hungry. Going into this event I was totally burned out. Tired of running, of ultras, of everything. My training was in the gutter. Mileage horrible, attitude worse. But I caught a positive attitude like it was some infectious plague. I love it! Also I've been struggling with my faith in God and I'm sure it's no coincidence that being around such wonderful people and the beauty of God's creation helped to heal my soul, if only a little.
