Run: Easy Previous Next


12:22 PM

7 mi


7:59 mi


85 F
  • Map


Forgot to turn autolap on again so I have no idea what the mile splits were but I did measure the strides just for the fun of it. I manually count to myself 15 seconds which always turns into more like 22. My brain is slow like that. Felt good. Although I pushed the pace it was still very relaxed.


1 - 22 sec 6:35 pace

2 - 23 sec 6:34 pace

3 - 21 sec 6:11 pace

4 - 21 sec 6:05 pace

5 - 25 sec 6:42 pace

6 - 23 sec 6:14 pace

Interesting, wasn't sure how fast I normally run those but that sounds about right.
