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11:50 AM

3000 m


4:57 mi


7 / 10
7 / 10

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Racing at GVSU for the first time. Beautiful facility and great track. Really pumped to race. Up to this point, my knee felt decent, so I iced it a lot before my race and rolled for a good 20 minutes. Knee felt good during the warmup, so that was promising. Ryan told me not to worry about it because I wouldn't feel it during the race.

Gun goes off only to go off again because the lanes were not cleared because someone was jogging along it. This race was also a waterfall start, so Frintner and Josh were in the waterfall section of the race. Gun went off again and I went straight toward the front pack, which was the goal. However, the waterfall group went off faster than my group, so by the first lap, I got stuck in the middle of the race and didn't really try to move up for a good 4 laps. Halfway point, I start picking people off and catch up to Josh and try to get him to come along with me, but he didn't respond. By the time I did that, the next group was way ahead, and there was no one to catch up to, so I just stayed in front of the chase pack for the whole race.

Positives: Knee felt great, really didn't feel any of it the whole race. Made some moves in the middle of the race to get near the front.

Negatives: Felt really off, and maybe that's from not running fast the last few days.. Waited too long to make a move and the group just stringed out too much. Blisters came in full blast, and it definitely set me back a bit.

Overview: Pretty happy with the time I ran considering how spotty my training has been the last two weeks. I think I only ran more than 4 miles once that whole time. Half of my runs were just aqua jogging as well. I need to now focus on recovery of my knee by taking tomorrow completely off. Taking lots of Ibuprofen and rolling at least 4 times tomorrow for 10 minutes.
