Run: Easy Previous Next


8.3 mi


9:14 mi


138 bpm
165 bpm
62 bpm
  • Map



So the run was tough but I managed. 8.25 miles in 1:16:05. Burned 748 calories. Avg HR was 138 and max of 165. Left calf was tight and glutes were tight. Inner quads were tight and left knee had some minor tweaks but good to go.

Weight after run was 146.4 which is TOO light. I drank 20oz with one NUUN tab. Cloudy and humid but still needed twice the fluids and probably a Thermalyte tab.

Mile 1 9:38

Mile 2 8:41

Mile 3 9:00

Mile 4 9:20

Mile 5 9:24

Mile 6 9:11

Mile 7 9:27

Mile 8 9:09

Last .25 8:45pace
