Bike: Tempo Previous Next


94.8 mi


16.6 mi / hr


122 bpm
162 bpm
65 bpm


Before bike: Coconut water, chilled + 1/4 ProBar

Waiting out a storm at the moment.....

Weight before bike: 148.6

For bike

60oz NUUN(4tabs)/CPro(4scoops)

50oz NUUN(5tabs)/CPro(5scoops)

Banana at car

GU at Purceville

Thermalyte at 11:18am, and then see based on temperature

Thermalytes at 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 4:15

Bike was good. Longest yet! Knee is tight but not any worse.

Stats: 94.83 miles. 5:42:46 16.6 mph Burned 1952 calories. Avg HR was 122 and max of 162.

Weight after bike and Muscle Milk: 146.6

SUX that I can't run tomorrow. Going to do something instead. Just not sure what yet.
