Run: Long Previous Next


4.3 mi


9:18 mi


133 bpm
150 bpm
60 bpm
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o the legs are a little sore, but feel pretty good given the long workout yesterday. The left knee has not gotten any worse and is okay this morning. Just tight.

Morning weight: 147.6

Eating 1/2 ProBar with vitamins, MINS, and NSAIDs 2 hours before the run.

Nutrition for run will be the same as Augusta. I want to see if I can do this rather than carrying the same thing as the bike mix. It would be much easier during race time since the only thing I'll need in addition is water at each aid station.

My own CPro/NUUN blend would be

Each NUUN tab has:

345mg sodium(172.5 per ½ tab)

97mg potassium(48.5 per ½ tab)

**also has vitamin C, riboflavin, calcium, magnesium(all +’s)

Since I used the NUUN, this could work better in my stomach than CPro 1200


So for a 10oz handheld with CPro/NUUN, I’ll have:

7.5 scoops of CPro = 750cals and 187g carbs(not too different)

1.5 NUUN tabs = 517.5mg sodium and 145.5mg potassium

Popped a Thermalyte an hour before the run!

Weight before run: 146.6(will drink a coconut water before the run) Drank about 10oz of water each mile.

Run went well. The mix worked fine! Drinking water every mile(like the race). The left knee tendonitis was fine, but the lower quad tendon into the knee had some pressure after 35 minutes or so, but it was totally different and I think it's becuase I'm not running that much these days. The last 2 minutes I pushed the pace and it actually felt better, so I'm not going to worry about it until the next run and see what happens. On the positive side, my HR was decent at this pace.

Stats: 4.33 miles in 40:15 which is a 9:17 pace. Burned 380 calories. Avg HR was 133 and max of 150(last .25 miles).

Mile 1 9:18

Mile 2 9:17

Mile 3 9:18

Mile 4 9:34

Last .33 8:26pace

Took a Thermalyte after the run in preparation for the elliptical.

Weight after run and before elliptical: 147.8
