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12.1 mi


9:47 mi


128 bpm
149 bpm
59 bpm
  • Map


Chest feels dry and voice is a little dry this morning. I don't think I'm over this cold yet.

Left outer hamstring is pretty tight.

So, I'm going to try for 2 hours at the Madison track.

Morning weight: 148.4

Morning nutrition: 3 hours before run: ProBar, NSAIDs, vitamins, MINs, a Thermalyte, and water

Run nutrition: 600cal NUUN/CPro concentrate mix with water and Thermalytes

45 minutes before the run: Left hamstring is definitely tight. Chest feels fine, no health issues.

Going to stretch real good with heat before the run.

Weight after run: 146.6

Run was good overall. Left hamstring became really tight towards mile 10, so I stopped at 12. Also that VMO muscle(right inner quad) was getting sore too. No knee tendonitis issues. Nutrition was good. Energy levels were good. Going to use the foam roller on it after stretching.

Best part of run was the HR drop after 6 miles to the 120's from the 130's. Thought that was strange, but cool.

Stats: 12.07 miles 1:57:56 which is a 9:46 mile. Burned 918 calories. Avg HR was 128 and max of 149 :)

Mile 1 9:48

Mile 2 9:26

Mile 3 9:33

Mile 4 9:48

Mile 5 9:51

Mile 6 9:49

Mile 7 9:56

Mile 8 9:54

Mile 9 9:51

Mile 10 9:48

Mile 11 9:47

Mile 12 9:42

Cold feels fine. Don't feel sick at all at the moment :)
