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6:00 AM

7 mi


ASICS (2160)


32 F
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<No name>


Did white oak then 4 Loomis hills then finished to 45 minutes. It was just Amanda and I for most of the run so that was nice as we got to chat. After the 45 minutes, came back to the track and did 4 laps on the indoor of striding the lengths and jogging the widths like last week. Felt much better on this portion of the run as well.

Felt way better than last Tuesday.. probably because I didn't do a fast 8 mile tempo yesterday! Upper hamstring really tight at the start but didn't seem to get worse so that was nice. SI joint was hurting a little last night then after the run it was just killing. It's been pretty painful all day especially when walking around running errands and at the dog park. Uggh hopefully that goes away soon it is way more painful than the usual pains I get.
