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3:20 PM

3.9 mi


5:59 mi


ASICS (2160)


45 F
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Ahhh it was like running in a monsoon out there today! It was steady rain the whole time which wouldn't have been so bad but the wind was a killer. Heading down the back drive was brutal then when we got to the top of the hill it was really bad again. So, times weren't amazing because conditions were not so great. We started off a little slower because we were doing 5 which we normally don't do but cut down nicely. By the 3rd one my shoes were soooo wet and heavy so it was hard to pick up my legs because it was cramping up my calves but stayed with Amanda the whole time which was nice because last time we did this workout I was having asthma issues and things didn't go so well.

Now that I look back and compare to other time we did this times weren't even that bad considering how poor the conditions were so that's nice to see. I felt alright overall. The last two were tough just because my legs felt so dead from the bricks on my feet and my legs are just still feeling a bit tired from the two races this week. My butt was tight at the beginning then mainly it was just hamstring tightness. Those couple warm days we had really helped loosen things up but today things were more tight just because of the wind and rain and it was 45 degrees but I think the "feels like" was well under 40. Overall it was a good workout though.
