Run: Easy Previous Next


5:15 AM

1.4 mi


9:34 mi


Last week I took a few days off on purpose just to get a little rest. Then late last week and this weekend I started feeling a lot of pain and discomfort running all down my R leg. I self-diagnosed the problem as a wounded sciatic nerve at my piriformis muscle -- I don't think any of the pain down my leg is actually real, but there is a LOT of soreness around my piriformis. It's even very tender to the touch at some points especially where the nerve seems to wrap around the back of the head of the femur and start its descent.

This morning's run I could barely run at all -- it was more like a goofy limp with all the discomfort in my right leg. I cut the run way short rather than struggle through multiple 9+ minute miles.

Remainder of the day I got engaged with passion with stretching that piroformis, naproxen and ICE.
