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  • Exercises


Squats 240lbx3x5 backoff 130lbx1x10

Press 110lbx3x5 backoff 60lbx1x10

Squats definitely felt hard. I could tell I was favoring my left leg as I came out of the hole, so I consciously tried to even out the load. Press is still hard with 110lb. Hopefully, I can make the jump to 115lb next week.

Unsure of what to do about PC. I've pretty much maxed out b/c my form is getting bad. I'm thinking of backing off to maybe 150lb and increasing intensity, say try and finish a set of 3 in under 5sec or something.

Will keep the DL on Friday. Switched up this week b/c of track meet. Got 13.26 for 100m last night. Didn't run 800m b/c of rain cancellation.
