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9.1 mi


6:52 mi


150 lb


Not a great day at all.

Had to go to Haverford today at noon for an appointment, so figured my best window to run and dodge the storm would be to run right after I got out. Unfortunately the appointment fell behind schedule, so by the time I was finally running the ice rain was already coming down. That didn't bother me too much, and it was a perfect 15ish minute warmup to the Haverford campus. They have this really really nice 2.25 mile trail that runs around their campus that is mostly hard packed dirt and has some pretty nice slow uphills/downhills. Gave me a good chance to do some XC style ET work. It also kinda kept me protected from the wind and eventual hail. First loop in 13:35(6:06ish). Started feeling GI discomfort during the second loop, came through loop 2 in 13:38. Made it another 3 minutes to 30 total but had to cut the whole workout and run short because of the impending doom.

Pretty disappointing...felt like I missed an opportunity to have a really solid workout in a new and pretty awesome location. May have to go back when the weather is better for another go at it.
