Run: Long Previous Next


9:30 AM

16 mi


7:45 mi


149 lb
144 bpm


5 F


7 / 10
7 / 10


Very cold. First run outside in a few weeks. It was beautiful. Tons of snow. The shoulders of the roads are full of snow, so I had to run in the outside tire groove in the oncoming lane of traffic. Not a big deal because I saw more deer than cars in Riverside State Park. Parked at West Central Community Center at the top of Doomsday Hill. Ran out Aubrey White Parkway. It was pretty well plowed until the gun club, then it was compact snow/ice. At the exit of Riverside State Park, it got worse, a couple of inches of unplowed snow on top of compact snow/ice. Ran the first 8 miles in 1 hour (7:30 pace) then turned around. It was hard to maintain an 8 minute pace on the way back. My hips got really sore after the first hour on the ice and snow. My right hamstring really never warmed up. It was tight for the first three miles, then it was ok through like mile 11, then the last five miles it tightened up again. It was hard to push off and extend that leg. I don't think its pulled, just sort of tight. My butt still hurts on the left (piriformis syndrome?). I think I'll get a PT appointment next week with Mike L.
