Swim: Free Style Previous Next


7:15 AM

750 m


4:00 / 100m


176 lb


4 / 10
4 / 10
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Better swim this time. Started off and did 20 lengths non stop at the start. Felt strong for most of the lengths but did weaken a bit towards the end. Wanted to do another 10 non stop after a break but was too tired. Did 2 at a time for 6 more lengths before I timed myself of a 100m at the end. Pushed very hard on the 4 lengths at the end - probably harder than yesterday. A bit faster at 2.31mins

100m in 2.31

My aim is to be able to swim 60 lengths in the pool in less than 30 mins (2mins per 100m). I will do a few longer time trials once I get a bit more swimming under my belt
