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1.2 mi


5:05 mi


75 F


5 / 10
7 / 10
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Guys did 5x1K (First 4 at CV Pace, 5th at 2 Mile Pace) + 4-3-2 @ Mile Pace. I wanted to hop in with them for most of this, but had to supervise the throwers doing their relay exchanges for tomorrow!! They put in more work into their exchanges than our actual sprint team, and got angry with me, so needless to say I was flustered. Guys were decent, but a bit fast on the first few, but were taking too long on the recovery (>60") to get going and were just complaining about the heat (as if we could do anything about that). I was finally able to hop in with them on the fifth one. Of course, Payton drops out of that repeat after a lap (the same ol' calf cramp -- still cannot admit that he is just too tired). Micah and Julian just decided not to run the fifth one #wtf. So, I didn't let any of them do the 4-3-2, but they gotta learn. Justice and David managed it well, hoppin in on their 2 mile pace rep was a bit of a shock to me, but felt fine overall. Mile cutdown reps were fine.

A lot of frustrating variables from the workout today, but I think we had a couple learning experiences in there and maybe, JUST MAYBE, we will get these guys to be smarter about how they are working and get them through the workout, so they can do the fun stuff at the end.
