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13.1 mi


6:55 mi


7 / 10
10 / 10
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Ran with Jordan, Paul (65'), and Hunter (60'). Beautiful day - a bit nippy at the beginning, but it was perfect for distance running today. Wanted to do a halfs-worth of running today and did just that. Interesting to listen to Paul and Jordan talk about the team and their culture the last couple years. I think Hunter said 3 words. Felt really good today, got some quality zzzz's last night. Was not able to get in a run yesterday because I was at the meet by 7:30 and my legs jsut felt dead after so I took an easy day. Still hit 40 with two days off. I think I'm really going to try to put in a good week of mileage this week since I have nothing else.

I am guarenteed entry into Chicago this fall. I am not going to start specific training until the summer probably, however I think I am going to start upping LR pretty quickly because I'd like to get in a decent amount around 20 throughout the summer. I liked in Declan's training how he got up to 20 pretty early and always hovered around there for his long run +/- a couple miles for two months. If I can get to GLR having put in 1 or 2 20 milers I'd say I'd be in pretty dece shape. But let's take things one day at a time and try to get through the rest of the semester first.
