Run: Threshold Previous Next


4.9 mi


6:08 mi


8 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


First threshold workout. Did 6x4' w/ 1' recovery at the arboretum. Overall I felt pretty good. I did two big loops with a little bit more thrown on. Coffee before the workout worked like a charm - stomach was rocky but held together (and still has). Stride felt a little awkward. I did forward and backward lunges before the workout so I think that threw me off a little bit (based on past times doing that - need to do it more consistently to not expect any detriments to the workout). Breathing was held in check, felt like I could have kept on going for awhile and I was never really tired at the end of an interval. That hill is still tough but I felt like I ran it pretty well today.

One thing I want to accomplish this training season is to conquer threshold workouts and feel like I got some quality workouts at the Arboretum. I would definitely say that threshold (especially the longer intervals) is the weak point in my training. For whatever reason I have not been able to run them well over the years, but now that I have a pretty good base in (and still developing more for a couple more weeks) I think I am in a better spot to do these. This was only 4 minutes so it was a good confidence booster but its only going to be 3 weeks till I'm doing 10 minute intervals. Also, the arb is a great place to run (when not snow-covered), so I just want to have good workouts that make me remember that. Today was a good start.

Probably going to split the run tomorrow to get some recovery in and get the mileage in.



Keep it up with the little breaks in between the threshold intervals. Most mid-d type people do better with chunking up those workouts and even running them a little quicker than typical threshold pace. Maybe instead of 3-4x10'@6:05 try 6-8x5' at 5:45-5:55 pace. Also, since you're training for indoor track, run these on the road/track, not the grass.