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13.1 mi


6:10 mi


Half-Marathon Time Trial

6:21, 6:09, 6:28, 12:17, 6:06, 6:17 (including turnaround)

6:04, 6:08, 5:58, 6:14, 6:03, 6:27 (1.1)

Positives: 6:20 pace is easy. Felt like if my stomach was not in a bad place I could have gone on for awhile.

Negatives: Stomach was rough. Pit stop at 8.3 and 10. Mile markers were all over - there was a point three miles in where everything shifted and I was basically running blind. It took Jeremie and I probably the first half of this to sync up so pacing was erratic. We intersected a race as well so we were weaving a bunch as well.

Takeaways: I’m fit, I made some mistakes in preparing for this but would rather make them now than in Berlin.


Olivia R

glad the check went well! Hope Berlin ends up being successful for you

