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6:00 PM

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Nutrition (3170)

* bkft (900)

1bag chocolate+nibs (31) 1 boiled egg (70) 1.5 bowl, oatmeal (180) 1 bowl soup noodle incl. noodle, tomatoes, silky tofu, green onion, bay shrimp (100) 5tbsp, craisins/raisins/gojiberries/almonds (100) 6 pistachios, 4 walnuts (70) 1/2 orange, 1/2 grapefruit, 1slice of cantaloupe (90) sauteed egg whites, cheddar (60) 1.5 tbsp wheat germ, 1.5 tbsp grounded flaxseed (50) 5 purple figs (100) 8g milk chocolate (50)

* lunch (540)

veggies soup (tomato, corn, potato) (80) cucumbers, carrot, mixed greens, lettuce, mozzarella (120) 5 squids, 6 mussels, 一棵炒小青菜,六块烤茄子(200) toasted barley and currants (50) 半个油烤玉米 (90)

* snack (1060)

1 bag chocolate+nibs (31) 1 bag salted cashews (285) 1 bag unsalted almonds (255) 1 bag cashews w/ pomegranate (150) 1 apple (90) 1 box, mixed greens (20) tofu cubes (30) 5 large cubes, mozzarella and another semi-soft cheese (150) sauteed chard (50)。。。午饭节制的结果是下午放纵大吃。。。哭了。。。然后今天还没运动。。。

* dinner (670)

1 banana (130) 1C, soymilk (100) 1 bowl cereal (150) Curry beef (100) roasted chicken (60) 1jujube honey drink (80) dried mango, dried apricot, jujube, craisins (50)
