Bike: Climb Power Previous Next


9.8 mi


14.7 mi / hr

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<No name>


45 minutes, on the trainer if possible:

wu: 10:00 at RPE 2-3

main: 4 x ( 5:00 at RPE 3-4 with last30 seconds fast spin at RPE4,

2:00 at RPE 2


cd: 7:00 work down to RPE3 then RPE2 to finish

Training Plan Entry

Climb Power

45 minutes, on the trainer if possible:

wu: 10:00 at RPE 2-3

main: 4 x ( 5:00 at RPE 3-4 with last30 seconds fast spin at RPE4,

2:00 at RPE 2


cd: 7:00 work down to RPE3 then RPE2 to finish
