Health: Strained Left Quad & IT Band & Adductor Previous Next


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Something I did yesterday impacted things favorably as I noticed greater stability in left leg and significantly less Adductor pain. I ran yesterday which goes against why I would heal faster. But yesterday what I did differently was: (1) its been about a week since I've boosted my iron intake (although non-hemme); (2) took aspirin (low dose); (3) started leg lifting (quads & hamstrings).

The other factor is the rolling I've done to try to alleviate the debilitating pain from the new (and bad) knots in lower lateral left quad, upper lateral left quad, and in mid-thigh left medial quad may have taken stress off the Adductor and allowed it to heal (as everything is connected).

Knot in right anterior tibia is still extremely tender/painful.
