Run: Easy Previous Next


10:35 PM

5 mi


8:25 mi


215 lb


79 F
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79 deg / 74% H / 70 dew pt [8:01 pace/mi adj for heat)

Windy - 14mph W gusting to 25-60 mph

Easy Run

Fast walked & did drills prior. Very oppressive humidity & I was correct as the dew pt hit 70 for the first time in '17 and this destroyed me & this run. Started fr HarrisY and ran a loop of parking lot & then up to corner of Quail Hollow & Sharon & then turned around and ran my 1k loop back into parking lot & then up to the main entrance (mi 1 - my legs felt much stronger & quicker vs. any prior run where I felt extremely sluggish), then ran it in reverse & looped back (mi 2 - I could feel myself sweating like crazy only 2 mi in and If I had know what the dew pt was I would not have been surprised) to run the 1k loop & after I swung past the main entrance to the Y I began to feel like I was going to collapse & felt so hot that I was forced to stop (2.6 mi in, walked around to cool down). Resumed & ran two loops of parking lot & was running into what felt like a 35 mph gusting wind in my face before I felt again like I was going to collapse/faint (stopped again at 3.5 mi). When I resumed the wind was gusting in my face 35-40 mph & looped around parking lot & then headed up towards entrance where it started to rain & the wind began to gust to about 50-60 mph because it was a tailwind & I could literally feel myself being pushed forward, ran across street to Elementary School (gusts "died" back down to 20-25mph) & then into back where I looped once around parking lot (mi 4) & then ran 5 laps of 220 lap track & two laps of parking lot (mi 5 - ran stopped but the temperature dropped to about 74 & that in combination w/the rain cooled me down to where I did not feel like I was going to collapse/faint again over the final 1.5 mi).
