Run: Easy Previous Next


10:40 PM

3.7 mi


8:58 mi


215 lb


80 F
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80 deg / 77% H / 72 dew pt

Easy Run

Horrifically hot/humid conditions. First time in 2+ weeks running back-to-back. Felt issues in right hamstring prior but felt almost no discomfort in right hamstring (whereas yesterday much more - hard to explain). Ran this at a "regular" pace in this heat it is impossible to gauge anything. Started at Allen Tate left on Ashley left on Sharon left into lower Church entrance looped around lower lot then out & down far entrance left on Sharon (mi 1 - felt very good, felt easier & a lot like last Fri but in the back of my mind I was really concerned abt how hot it was), ran down Sharon past hotel left on Fairview past BOA left into corp park (mi 2 - amazingly this was downhill but significantly slower, did not feel like I was slowing but was sweating profusely), left past Zoe's looped around BOA left on Fairview left on Barclay Downs right past Zoe's right & left down Fairview left looped around Ruth Chris right & looped around Pinnacle up & left on Piedmont Row right & onto parking deck looping 1/2 around (mi 3 - maintained rhythm until about the 2.75 mi mark where I began to feel really overheated & nauseous). Stopped for a minute, then resumed & ran two loops around the parking deck (mi 3 thru 3.7 mi - this felt exactly like the prior mi as I felt really weak at times yet ran this at a much stronger pace vs how I perceived this). Adjusted for heat this was spot on for where I am.
