Run: Hill Previous Next


11:20 PM

2.9 mi


11:34 mi


215 lb


58 F
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5 x Hill Sprints - Carnegie Blvd (+9x dynamic hamstring strings + 50m toe offs)

These felt like someone beamed a different body into me. I felt fluid, felt strong, but the first four felt so "alien" to how I have been running these hill sprints in prior weeks. I had no speed & could not generate any speed. This was immediate since on #1 (near hill) I had to do a double-take at the split (which are generally ~20 sec p mi less vs actual). Ran #2 & #3 up the far hill on Carnegie & on ea I tried to run these faster but could not get any result? Jogged over to near hill & hit the Off button by mistake when I finished. So walked back down & ran #5 & for whatever reason everything came together I ran this like I ran the four last week - felt strong, generated power, accelerated & glided up hill. Accurate splits below:

# Time Dist Pace Best Pace

1 :12.5 0.03 7:04 6:36

2 :12.7 0.03 6:43 6:11

3 :12.8 0.03 6:53 5:48

4 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

5 :10.4 0.03 5:37 N.A.
