Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:12 PM

4.1 mi


8:27 mi


203 lb


50 F
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Progressive Tempo Run

Goal: 4.5 mi progressing fr 8:40/8:25/8:10 & then under 8 min

Actual: Not close - broken tempo (3.5 mi + 1k)

Continuing on the theme of " taking 2 or more days off theme & how that slows me down ~30 sec/mi" it again bore itself out here. I can the same pace last Sun in White Plains over 4.5 mi when it wasn't a Tempo effort - yet today was (unfortunately) a tempo effort. Ran fr Whole Foods down Fairview left on Sharon right on Rutherford (mi 1 - tried to run this under control & not go to hard but make sure it wasn't too slow), left on Sulkirk left up Sharon left on Rutherford left on Sulkirk left up Sharon past Rutherford (mi 2 - this was supposed to be faster vs mi 1 but was not, did not feel like I had another gear), down Sharon left on Fairview left on Barclay Downs (mi 3 - the last 1/3 mi was down a decline so this was really not faster vs mi 2, I could feel myself getting really fatigued & felt weak), right past Zoe's right & then left back down Fairview left on Piedmont Row into big parking lot on right to end (to 3.5 mi - had stop as I began feeling really fatigued but pushed it since I knew I was going to be forced to stop). Then ran two loops of parking lot (~1k) & did not feel strong - felt weak to start, felt like I had "Bambi legs" down backstretch, then purposely pushed the last loop & it felt like there no higher gear to go to?
