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11:26 PM

3.5 mi


8:07 mi


212 lb
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Goal:2k@8:26 (8:03adj); 1.5k@8:15 (7:52adj); 1k@7:39 (7:18adj); 1/2mi@7:19 (6:58adj); 300m@6:33

Actual: 2k@8:30 pace; 1.5k@8:14 pace; 1k@7:48 pace; 1/2mi @7:40 pace; 300m @6:31 pace = 8:05 overall.

Goal was based on running this outdoors in 71 dew pt conditions. Today I decided to run this indoors because of similar dew pt but very windy conditions w/hurricane approaching. On #1 I felt terrible - I had treadmill set to 8:27 pace & was really struggling at 1k so had to slow it down (this was supposed to be Temp which should be 8:20 - at this point I was really depressed, considering if I had an aneurysm or some health issue where I'm regressing vs. progressing since I have never regressed?). On #2 felt better (this is 10k pace) & felt much stronger vs. #1 & got stronger throughout. Relatively, I felt much stronger for the 1k (VO2Max) but when I dialed this to 7:41 pace for the final 333m I could feel myself struggling & had to dial back (I ran 7:39 pace outside 5 wks ago?). For the 1/2 mi felt stronger & descended (yet ran 20 sec p mi faster in oppressive conditions 5 weeks ago). Finally, ran the 300m hard & at parity vs. 5 weeks ago.
