Run: Easy Previous Next


10:35 PM

5.3 mi


8:29 mi


215 lb


70 F
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70 deg / 78% H / 63 dew pt

Easy Run

Fast walked & did drills prior. Amazing how a 63/64 dew pt could feel "comfortable" even though it isn't but compared to the oppressive 71 dew points of the prior days it actually was. This run was very different vs. the runs over the past 2.5 weeks in the tropical conditions where I would start out & then get uncomfortably hot to where I would "explode" somewhere between 2.5 & 3.5 miles and would be forced to stop. Here, Ran the first 3.5 miles in the HarrisY parking lot running the 1k loops for the first 2 miles (felt very rough to start but then started to feel better & more efficient) and then the shorter loops in mile 3 (felt better but this felt the same as the prior 2 miles). At around 3 miles, ran another loop & then out and across to the Elementary School & to the back parking lot & running two loops (mi 4). During mi 4, instead of getting so hot that I would feel like getting sick or collapsing, the conditions were "cool enough" so that could tolerate the conditions & get a 2nd wind which is what happened (even though I was sweating like crazy). Ran 1k of the 220 yd track during the course of mile 5 & then stopped as hamstring was feeling tight (stretched), and then ran back to Y to finish out. Was soaked in sweat but not "streaming in sweat".
