Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:42 PM

5.5 mi


7:57 mi


203 lb


68 F
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AT Tempo [7:46 pace p mi adj for heat]

68 deg / 76% H [60 DP]. CLT Runners Tue nite run (got there ~5 min late). Did 2x drills. Started out and felt very slight tightness in right Adductor (not pain but annoying). About 100 yards in did not feel fresh, actually felt fatigued and consigned myself to just run this "steady" and slow (did not look at watch until 5 miles in). Pace felt like 8:20/8:30 pace and then I started the climb on the other side of the hospital and up Queens I felt really labored and slower (much slower vs last week, felt like when I ran 8:45 pace in mile 6 last nite and I was really starting to sweat). At the top of Queens as I turned on Selwyn focused on trying to get into a repeatable groove. Did not see anyone along Selwyn, turned right on Queens and still nobody in sight. Felt hot and focus now was on the climb up Queens -- felt really slow as I cut stride down and turned over legs, after coming down Queens and onto Kings finally caught sight of the runners at the back of the pack about 200 yards ahead on Kings. Focused on reeling them in and almost did so by the time I got to the end of Kings, added some extra and then swung onto the greenway about 25 yards behind and quickly caught up and scared the heck out of Adrian as I ran up behind him. Powered up the incline after Morehead but at this point I started to feel really hot and then focused on hanging on -- at this point I cut back to what I perceived to be a slower pace and tried to stay steady to the end.

Logged this as a tempo given heat as the heat now is taking a lot more out of me as I'm not acclimated. Compared to last week I ran this faster and steadier (and felt worse!).
