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7:57 AM

3.3 mi


7:45 mi


215 lb


42 F
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Michigan Set

Goal: 3/4 mi (8:10 pace), 3 x 1/2 Tempo (8 min), 2 x 1/2 VO2Max (7:30pace) alternating

Actual: 3/4 mi (8:04); 1/2 (8:07 pace), 1/2 (7:30 pace), 1/2 (7:44 pace), 1/2 (7:17 pace), 1/2 (7:30 pace)

Ran the first two wearing the Cortanna's & then the last four wearing the Hyperion Tempo. On the 3/4 mi I did not feel dead-legged or get into a lactic acid overload which has occurred ea time I ran #1 of any set - felt quicker & stronger & this did not take a lot out of me. On the first 1/2 mi tempo I controlled the pace to run this a tad bit slower vs. Number 1 (which I did). Then put on the Hyperion Tempos to run the remainder. On #2 ran this faster (but not too fast) yet was disappointed in the time & concerned I was going to start running much slower. Controlled the pace on #4 & finally started to feel the Hyperions' "kick in" (felt bouncier, springy & this felt easier yet >20 sec/mi faster vs #2). Ran the final VO2Max effort & this did feel fast yet felt like the same effort as #3. And then finished out again controlling the pace running it purposely slower vs #5 (yet much faster vs #4 yet felt the same). Accurate splits below:

# Time Dist Pace

1 06:04.9 0.75 8:04

2 04:07.8 0.51 8:07

3 03:47.3 0.5 7:31

4 03:51.9 0.5 7:44

5 03:40.5 0.5 7:17

6 03:47.7 0.51 7:30

Tot 0:25:20 3.27 7:45
