Run: Easy Previous Next


7:49 PM

3.3 mi


9:08 mi


203 lb


69 F
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The first half mile was a combo of 5-6 steps fast walk + jog (started at 12 steps and then gradually increased that until after 1/2 mile I was running continuously, which I did over the past 2.75 miles). When I started running continuously I began to feel pain in Adductors and Psoas, but then started to focus on using my glutes and torquing my body there in addition to using my glutes as my center of gravity, and when I did this that pain went away. So basically this was about learning to run a different way, and every time I veered away (i.e., if my center of gravity started to drift forward to the front of my core which is where it used to be for 3 years the pain would almost immediately start and I'd have to focus on bringing it back -- doing this is akin to slowing your heart rate & it took every ounce of concentration). Over the first half I was able to focus on this form and eliminate pain running on flat or declines, but running up any hill or incline I would feel that pain as my center of gravity shifted forward (since the stress was on my Adductors & I felt this more in my Psoas). Then as I turned and was running up Park South to Sulkirk, I had in my mind what hip extension actually is (fr a running picture that flashed in my mind), so as I was running up to Sulkirk, I then focused on activating glutes and extending hips via my paw back (i.e., extending my leg behind me by extending my hips), and as if someone had turned off a (pain) faucet the pain in Psoas went completely away (because I was extending my hips I was extending my Psoas and not "cutting it short"). On the next roller up it took me a couple of seconds to "re-learn" how to run properly up a hill but was successful. My legs felt a ton better (w/out the pain) and even though I had some low level soreness/pain in right Adductor but it was different (was not the "chronic" pain I have felt prior, and after about an hour instead of feeling "in pain" felt much much better).
