Run: Hill Previous Next


8:58 PM

2.9 mi


9:22 mi


229 lb


76 F
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76 deg / 78% H / 69 dew pt

Extremely oppressive conditions, sweating profusely. Goal was 5 x Jog around the block and then push the pace up the hill -- first 4 up Park South fr Northhampton & #5 up Old Reid fr Park. Compared to last wk when I could hardly break 9 min pace on #1 vs. today where I felt faster but this still was slow -- and when saw 8:05 on the watch I was very concerned I could not go any faster (esp how oppressive it was). #2 felt much faster but forgot to start the watch on the jog so missed everything. #3 felt like #2 except that I really had to hold on at the end (shocked at 7:30+ pace since last week I could hardly break 8 min and starting to believe that I can break thru these cobwebs of "un-fitness). On #4 I started to hurt and really had to hold on at the end (pushed it). At this point I didn't want to run #5 but went for it. Up Old Reid is steep at first and then flattens out (Park So doesn't flatten out). I felt decently strong but 2/3rds up where Old Reid begins to flatten out I really hit bottom and began to feel almost violently sick to my stomach & at the same time it felt like I was running in wet cement -- a supreme effort to move my legs, I wanted to quit so bad but willed thru it. And shocked that I broke 7 min pace (last wk I could hardly break 8 min pace!).
