Health: Strained Left Quad & IT Band & Adductor Previous Next


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Iced extensively last night -- pain/tightness reduced and have an area of pain/tightness in Adductor (not at insertion point of hip but about 2" down). I can walk w/out it feeling like my leg is broken vs. yesterday. Scheduled a deep tissue massage when I woke up and ran to the appointment. This was extremely painful and there were a number of areas that were significantly tighter and more painful than my lower quad and Adductor. The rhomboids in my back were extremely tight(9 out 10 on pain scale), scapula (9/10), neck (8/10), top of shoulder (9/10 as she dug her fingers into the top of my shoulder & it was pure pain), obliques on my right side (9/10 with pain radiating down IT band), lower hamstring (9/10 as this was unbelievably pain), middle of hamstring was only a 4/10 and upper hamstring at insertion point was almost no pain, soleous/calf (9.5/10 where she tried to work my soleus and it felt like it was just a hard mass that hurt like crazy), peroneals (8/10 -- this felt like she took a metal file and was trying to pry my peroneals off the bone), shins (9/10). In a reversal, my quads and Adductors did not hurt significantly (she may have taken this easy given this was the only area that I said upfront was a problem and everywhere you she had touched prior was bad) -- the pain in my left quad appears to be IT Band and not a quad issue (I don't know which is worse).

Her assessment was that I was extremely tight (fr being muscular) -- and I mentioned how I stretch and roll religiously (I can only imagine if I didn't do this -- I would be a mess).
