Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:45 PM

3.5 mi


8:28 mi


215 lb


38 F
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LT Tempo Run

Goal: 3 mi / unknown pace

Actual: 3.5 mi (8:27 pace & ran it progressively - to save face)

Ran this in Phillips Pl. Mi 1 - two loops up by The Palm side & then out/down Fairview hung right into Cameron Valley then 1/2 loop in small parking lot (mi 1: Felt like my legs were in slow motion, just felt so sluggish & tried to run at a faster pace but it felt like if I tried to run faster I would have burned out); looped small parking 1.5x then around & into cinema parking lot 5 lengths (mi 2 - felt better, felt more fluid & stronger & could feel when I pushed the pace); 5 loops of cinema parking lot (mi 3 - felt stronger & focused on "recruiting leg muscles" each length to propel, felt as if I was in a strong bio-mechanical position), decided to finish strong & run an add'l 1/2 mi running 2.5 loops (mi 3-3.5 mi - to make it 3.5 mi & felt very strong running these under control & not overly pushing it - finally a split <8 min?).
